The Cabazon Dinosaurs have long been regarded as one of the most iconic roadside attractions. Featured in cult classics such as Pee Wee Herman’s Big Adventure and The Wizard, the dinosaurs have staked their place in pop culture.
Santa Rex has arrived hoping to bring you happiness, love, and peace this Christmas season. Santa Trex and the larger-than-life Apatosaurus (painted in bright red) are free to take pictures of, so put on your favorite Christmas sweaters and come take your family holiday photo.
Dinosaur Nights in Lights at the Cabazon Dinosaurs beginning at dusk (approximately 5pm) to 8pm (Ticket sales end at 7:30pm) Friday, Saturday and Sunday nights. Colorful Days of Dinosaurs 9am to 5pm daily.
Mr. Rex, Dinny and their more than 100 dinosaur friends provide perfect picture photo ops for you and your loved ones. Our dinosaur walk also features a dino dig and fossil/gemstone panning sluice.
Thank you so much for your continued business.
Be kind, gracious and love one another.
Admission to Cabazon Dinosaur Park
Adults $15 Ages 13-55
Children $13 Ages 3 - 12
Seniors & Military $11
Real Gemstone and Fossil bags are available in the gift store for use with our Panning Sluice. Our gift stores are located in the museum and in the belly of the Apatosaurus, and carry a wide variety of dinosaur themed toys, jewlery, Cabazon dinosaur t-shirts, and more.
Open to the Public Daily Hours:
Monday through Thursday
9am - 6pm
(Ticket Sales end at 5:30pm)
Friday through Sunday
9am - 7pm
(Ticket Sales end at 6:30pm)
50770 Seminole Drive, Cabazon, CA 92230
(909) 272-8164
If you have a frequent cough, fever, difficulty breathing, chills, muscle pain, headache, sore throat, recent loss of taste or smell, or if you or someone you live with has been diagnosed with COVID-19 or any other communicable virus, please plan on visiting another time. Thank you!
By entering, you agree to take all recommended and reasonable actions to protect yourself and others from exposure to COVID-19, any other communicable virus (Influenza A/B, Sars, etc.) and/or any other injury, and that you ASSUME THE RISK of entering or allowing someone to enter. You further understand and agree that no one can guarantee that you will not be exposed to or contract COVID-19 or any other communicable virus, anytime or anywhere.
Enter at your own risk. Owner will not be liable for any loss, injury or damage. Owner reserves the right to refuse entry. No drugs determined illegal under state or federal law allowed on the property. No alcohol or smoking allowed. 24 hour video surveillance in effect.
© 1965-2024 For video, film and photograph Information, email info@cabazondinosaurs.com.
No commercial use photography, video or other media of the Cabazon Dinosaurs allowed without prior written approval. No use of our names "Cabazon Dinosaurs" or "World's Biggest Dinosaurs" in the promotion of commercial products or services is allowed.
All rights reserved.